Monday, January 5, 2009

Strange Days...

First of all, I am going to begin this post with a disclaimer: #1. I am extremely new to this entire blogging-thing. And, as this is a blog regarding children's clothing, which is certainly what most (if not all) of you are interested in, I will do my best not to bore you with too many details of the so-called life of Tara.

#2. I tend to be long-winded, particularly when telling stories. You can ask anyone who knows me...friends, relatives, even not-so-friends, and they will all confirm that this is the case.

You have been warned...

I fully intended to upload some pictures today. As a matter of fact, I have a new "schedule" or "routine" that I am on (I know that these are words typically associated with infants and toddlers, but...) as part of my New Year's resolutions.

I woke at 6:15, started a load of laundry, woke my son for school, dressed him, fed him, sent him to the bus stop with his dad - the usual. Afterwards, I sent several emails pertaining to Three Mommas, woke my younger son and went through the morning routine with him. As a matter of fact, by 7:45 I was quite proud of myself and all I had accomplished. You've had those mornings...I silently gave myself a "yeah, me!" and set about to upload pictures.

Then, we got the phone call.

I noticed before I even answered that the caller ID showed the call coming from a small private school about 30 minutes the opposite way of Mac's school. I was a little puzzled as I answered the phone. "Ma'am, are you Mac's mother? Well, as it turns out, it seems that his father put him on one of our buses this morning, and we have him here..."

Suffice to say, my husband (who is, by the way, a wonderful husband and an extraordinary father) was out the door in 60 seconds. It so happens that the route to this school is famous around these parts because many of the Dukes of Hazzard scenes were filmed here, but I can assure you that Bo and Luke Duke had nothing on him as he raced to pick up our son.

All is well, everyone is fine, and we have actually gotten quite the laugh from it now. However, no pics were posted today, though I did finish the rest of my Three Mommas to-do list, if that is any consolation.

Are we the only ones with crazy lives? Now, we usually don't send our children to the wrong school, but please tell me that you have had "one of those days" before. I mean, seriously...

1 comment:

  1. I know curiosity killed the cat but I just can't help myself, did you at least do some damage to your husband?
