Thursday, January 15, 2009

I've been trying on swimsuits...

Well, technically, this is a bit misleading. I have not been trying on bathing suits. Trust me, if I had, this post would have a very different tone. My trying on bathing suits happens only when I have no other choice, and is typically followed by a couple of glasses of wine, an ounce of self-loathing and a carton of Ben and Jerry's...

But i digress...

I have been making my nieces try on swimsuits. Just for fun. Just because I think they are so darn cute. Not just the suits...the nieces are pretty cute too. And I cannot wait for you all to see them, which brings me to another topic that causes hyper-ventilating and sleepless nights...

It is time to ship the trunks. Monday is the day.

You must understand, a lot of work goes into these samples. I mean, it is loads of fun, really exciting (did I mention a lot of work), but it is more than that. We pour ourselves into these things, spend months designing styles, embellishments, choosing fabrics. When the FedEx man picks up those trunks on Monday, it will feel like we are sending our children off for their first day of school. How will they do? Will they be liked? Will they get to where they are supposed to go? What if people don't realize how wonderful we think they are?

All we can do is hope. Hope they arrive safely, hope they are well-received, hope you like them.

Guess we'll find out soon! Pictures coming this weekend, and trunks will arrive next week!

1 comment:

  1. I left you a little happy on my blog! I cant wait to host my 3 Mommas show on the 29th!
