Monday, February 2, 2009

That Which Does Not Kill You...

I know, I know...makes you stronger. I have a love/hate relationship with this particular adage, but I suppose it is true. You know the other old saying..."When it rains, it pours..."? I take issue with that lately too. Only because it is hitting a little close to home these days.

And here I am, off on another one of my personal-life tangents. Oh, lucky y'all!

Many of you probably heard about the great shipping debacle that was last week. If you didn't, consider yourself lucky. I have semi-blocked it from my mind, so I won't re-hash the entire thing here. Sufficed to say it was a nightmare - an absolute, complete, total, horrifying nightmare. One that kept me glued to my computer and telephone, pleading, cursing, and flat-out begging the shipping company (wonder who that was?) to get their act together.

All to no avail.

In the end, thanks only to our wonderful, awesome, fan-tabulous Three Mommas Representatives, we miraculously didn't have to cancel a single show!! Seriously, our Reps ROCK! Thank you to everyone that pitched in and helped during the crisis...I cannot thank you enough!

Oh, and in case you were wondering what was so bad (I mean, as if gray hair, ulcers, sleepless nights and fights with the Montgomery, AL hub director aren't enough)...both boys had Scarlet Fever last week, and yours truly is now suffering from a sore throat and what I fear is an ear infection. However, I am still so relieved that we made it through last week and that the boys are feeling better that I will take it!

I know my life cannot be the only crazy one...I don't wish it on any of you, but tell me that I am not the only one!

Oh, and since this is a blog about children's clothing...have you checked out the swimsuits? I mean, they are simply a must-have for this summer and are proving to be just as popular as we thought they'd be!

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