Friday, May 1, 2009

Let's Talk Shoes...

Okay, so shoes are like my favorite thing in the world. Next to my children, of course. And my husband. And I do love my get the drift. I love, love, love shoes. And believe that you can never have enough of them, though I know admitting that, particularly in our current economic environment, is sort of a faux pas. But, it isn't just expensive shoes that I love. I am equal-opportunity shoe fanatic. I adore my polka-dotted flip flops and my $11 Key West Kinos as much as the fanciest pair I have in my closet.

And this is why: shoes can make me feel beautiful or pretty, powerful or dainty, cute and carefree, like a lady, a diva or a child, and, most importantly, with the exception of that crazy foot-growth during pregnancy, I am NEVER too fat for my shoes.

So it is really no surprise that I am a big fan of children's shoes too. And, I just have boys. Goodness help me if I were buying for girls.

Which brings me to my point...have any of you heard of Live and Luca? We "met" them online when we were just starting out, and though I haven't spoken to them in years, the ladies that owned it were just as nice as they could be. They started out just selling online and at shows, though they have since started selling wholesale. Their shoes are simply ADORABLE, and super-comfy for little feet. My now five-year-old son made his way through several pair of elephant shoes over the years, and they were always his favorite. And now they have them not only in brown, but in LIME too!!

If you love fun shoes for your kids, check them out at And before you ask, no, this isn't benefiting me in any way. As a matter of fact, I ordered a pair of the lime elephants online at midnight last night, and can't wait for them to get here.

If only I could get away with lavender shoes on the boys...

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